Cadillac Repair: 1998 Cadillac Eldorodo, vehicle speed sensor, trans shop
Questiongears will not chqnge in drive and the speednometer will not work.It makes a high excellation norse.
AnswerHi George,
The first thing I would do is check the trans fluid level and condition to make sure it is in the full range and not burned smelling. Checking for codes could find a vehicle speed sensor inside the trans malfunctioning. It is also quite possible that a shift solenoid inside the trans isn't working properly anymore and using an ohmmeter to check them both out would confirm that. Then replace both of them while you are in there.
As for the noise on acceleration it could be any number of things from a normal noise to one that indicates the trans is done and needs to be replaced. Have your shop or a trans shop do a diagnostic to see whats wrong. Trying to diagnose a noise problem in a forum such as this is really difficult because you almost need to hear how the noise sounds and where specifically the noise is coming from. Bill