Cadillac Repair: 1990 cadillac deville, battery cables, cadillac deville

Car wont start! ignition turns but wont fire like i never enven turn key, i pushed off and warmer buttons and got readings, but dont know what they mean (.8.8.8, E, E52, .7.0,) please help.

Do you have interior lights and headlights to prove battery cables are OK and that you have battery voltage to the starter.

The 888 means tha you are entering into the diagnostic mode.

The E is the start of the E codes to come.

The E52 means that the battery was disconnected and no battery power was supplied to the ecm.

Have you tried to start it in neutral. If this works then the NEUTRAL STARTER SAFETY SWITCH has a fault spot in the PARK position.

If this does NOT work either, Locate the starter and have someone touch a test light to the "S" terminal on the starter which has only a single PURPLE wire attached to the "S" terminal at the starter. If the test light illuminates when you try and start the car and the starter does not engage to try and start the engine, Remove the starter and have it tested.