Cadillac Repair: 1985 Eldorado cruise control intermittent, oxygen sensor, cruise control

The cruise control is operating intermittently and seems to work after enough pressure is built up and I have accelerated greatly.  I don't know how this system works and would appreciate any help.  I recently cleared fault codes 13, and 44 which is tied into the oxygen sensor.  Could you provide me with schematics and drawings of the cruise control and how its suppose to look like.  I know where it is, it's just that there are two tubes coming off of it and one line (in line) that doesn't have a tube.  Is that normal?

Anytime the check engine light illuminates the cruise control is automatically shut off.

replace the oxygen sensor, Clear the codes from the computer and see if you still have the same problem.

E-mail me a picture of this missing tube area and I can check it for you. E-mail to: [email protected]