Cadillac Repair: 1991 cadillac deville code reading and heater problem, body control module bcm, cadillac deville
QuestionI just did a complete tune up and replaced the exhaust system and my service engine and service vehicle lights are still on. I have a code that reads: F F32 FF F32 7.o. what does this mean and how can I clear my lights? Also I replaced coolant, heater core, thermostat, the control module box for the heat door and I barely get any air blowing and no heat even though I can hear the blower working fine and see the module opening and closing the heat door.
AnswerF32 = communications problem between the BODY CONTROL MODULE (BCM) and the POWER CONTROL MODULE (PCM). In most cases the BCM is at fault, BUT NOT ALWAYS. I can provide picture locations and diagnostic procedures by E-mailing me at:
[email protected].
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