QuestionQUESTION: hi i have some trouble codes i done the on board test reset it and these codes come back after 10 sec of driving they are as follows p056 current p137history i032current s060current can you tell me what i need to do to correct these problems the engine light jumps on and off thank you
ANSWER: This is a 95 eldorado ?.
P056 = transmission input speed sensor circuit problem.
P137 = intermittent loss of automatic braking system/traction control system data.
I032 = loss of automatic braking system/traction control system data.
S062 = Road sensing suspension Left rear rotary sensor position signal fault.
Tell me EXACTLY how you cleared all the codes. Disconnecting the battery does NOT clear the codes.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i used the warmer button and off to pull the codes can you explain what i need to do to fix these problems and how much would it cost estimate its a 95 eldorado touring
ANSWER: There is no way to tell how much the cost will be until a diagnosis is performed
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: recently i changed the fuel pump in my car because the fuel pressure was low the car take a while to start after putting the fuel pump in and changing fuel rails still the same thing
AnswerDid you test the new fuel pump for proper amount of pressure and operation as you should hear the fuel pump run for 2 seconds as soon as you turn ON the ignition without cranking the engine. If you do NOT hear this 2 second run this will cause a delayed start condition.
Have the ignition system checked for proper ignition coil voltage to the spark plugs.
I can provide you with pictures and device locations and diagnostic procedures for each of your codes.
FIRST you need to CLEAR all the codes from the computer in the proper manner as you did not tell me HOW you cleared them the first time I asked you.
Disconnecting the battery does NOT clear the codes. E-mail me at:
[email protected] and include all of this communication and year and model and engine size of vehicle.