Cadillac Repair: engine will not start, battery voltage, starter motor

Tom, I have a problem - My car doesn't start, everything was fine with it - engine was starting right away for the whole winter (even in -10 F). Today I walked out from my booze store and the car didn't want to start - voltage was at about 11,7 V, about 5 gal. left in the tank, the only noise was a kliking (starter motor solenoid??) engine was warm (30 miles trip from work to the store) it was raining, starter was replaced two winters ago... -its a 96 deville with 130k miles, it was serviced about 4 months ago for for water pump and belt. Thank You or any suggestions.

Charge the battery to full capacity and see if it will start. If not, you need to check for battery voltage at the "S" terminal on the starter for battery voltage when the key is held in the start position. If you have battery voltage. replace the starter.