Cadillac Repair: My 1994 cadillac sedan deville wont pull off.It ran just fine yesterday., throttle position sensor, cv joints
QuestionI brought a cadillac two months ago used as is.I had been seeing small drops of tranny fluid but nothing major.I went up a big hill last night then came back down going about 85 miles per hour.My check engine light came on so I went home and parked the car.This morning I started the car up to go to work and the car backed up just fine.I went to put it in drive and the car would not move.This has never happened before.I turned the car off then tried again only to find my car bearly moving.I made it to the store and put fluid in it.I then drove to work 20 miles and the car kept pulling as if it wanted to take off fast but would not.The car would not go past 45.I made it to work and saw smoke coming from under the car.Now the car will only move sometimes in the parking place but won't power off fast.i left it at work because it will not drive fast.I moved the car backwards and saw fluid under the car and the fluid smells burned.How could this happen so fast?The tranny has been running like it was brand new.It never has been slipping or acting up.Please help me save some money on the repairs.
AnswerA couple things that come to mind are the throttle position sensor, the transmission vacuum, the transmission cooler and filter, the drive axles, cv joints, and Emission vacuums. For a problem this large its hard to pinpont the problem if i cant drive the car.