Cadillac Repair: Powersteering motor noise, power steering pump, auto parts store
Question1993 Cad.Eldorado 4.9cu..My power steering motor is noisy at all times with a humming noise even when the engine is just idleing. A mechanic told me that there was nothing wrong with my power steering motor. That he could put something in the power steering motor that will stop the noise, but he didn't have any at the time. Please tell me if that is true and if so, what is it that I can purchase to put in the power steering motor to quiet the noise. The power steering works ok; it is just noisy. Thank you
AnswerFirst check to make sure that the fluid level is at the FULL mark.
There are some aftermarket products that you can get at any auto parts store that claim to quiet the power steering pump noise but this is only a temporary solution for replacing the pump.