Cadillac Repair: 1990 Cadi Sedan Deville, hood latch, cadillac sedan deville
QuestionI have a 90 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I suppose I'm having 2 problems with the car. The first thing the car was doing is while I was driving on the freeway about 70mph the car just starting dropping speed...I pulled off the road for a bit and tried driving to the next exit but the car would not go more than 30mph...A mechanic suggested I needed a fuel pump & replaced that. After that the car would start...then shake & knock and stall out sometimes...if it didn't stall out right definitely does whenever it is put into gear...The mechanic has no idea what the problem could be....Hopefully u can help!!!...also I broke the hood latch so I can't get the hood open again even if I pull the cord...any ideas on how I can get the hood open again....Thanks...desperate for help Angela
AnswerDid you just fill the fuel tank with fuel and this engine problem developed several miles down the road ?> If so, You may have received some water with the gas .
Opening the hood latch requires a home made tool that a body shop might have. Make some calls to different shops.