Cadillac Repair: 92 Sedan deVille keyless entry, electrical schematics, froe

Well can you do it on the site without the pic, or cant you just email them to me with out a charge?  I was looking for the "100% froe service".

Followup To

Question -
I took my car to the Caddi dealer and I was told the two remotes are fine, i just need to program the remotes. I know I can do it myself I just need to know how. If you can provide pics in your answer. Thanks

Answer -
since your going to need PICTURES you need to contact me at [email protected]

As pictures are not allowed on this website.

Without the PICTURES of the location of the components and the electrical schematics that you must find the EXACT wires to test I have yet to find a way to explain pictures via words.

I have to research the material thru my vast amount of manuals, Scan the pictures , e-mail the pictures, Print the pictures for myself in case you need help by telephone and all this wear and tear and supplies to my equipment.

My only suggestion is to take it into the dealer where they can charge you $100.00 just to LOOK at the problem.
