Followup To
Question -
i recently purchased a 1994 cadillac sevelle sls with 32valve northstar engine and have been having probles.every so often while driving the car the engine light turn on and the starts ruff idleing as i slow down if i keep the speed up its fine but still shows check engine as soon as i slow down the rpm's go from close to zero to about 1 1/2 and turns off unless i pump the gas pedle,also the gas peddle feels like it lower it is ocurring more often lately and a new job that i started is dependen on me and this car is not making it easy.i have no history off any repairs on the car but recently but in front and back brake shoes,and rotors for way to moch according to the mechanic all cadillacs are expensive to repair even for maintenance like brakes i paid close $800 which left me broke please help.
Answer -
Do this:
1. Ignition ON. Engine OFF.
2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and WARMER buttons for 3 seconds and then release them.
3. Diagnostic codes will appear.
4. Write them down in THE EXACT WAY they display and in the EXACT order in which they display.
5. Turn OFF ignition.
6. Let me know what the codes are.
tom thank you for your advice the codes are
code p035 current
code p052 history
code p109 history
code i052 history
no acp codes
no sir codes
no tcs codes
code s060 history
AnswerYou will need to contact me at:
[email protected]
In order for me to provide you with pictures, Instructions and electrical schematics (pictures).
PLEASE include your original question(s) and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.
PLEASE tell me if you do your own repairs and or your skill level of auto repair. This is VERY VERY important if I am to be able to help you repair your own vehicle.