Cadillac Repair: 1988 fuel data system display, cadillac sedan deville, climate control
Questionsorry bout that but its a 1988 cadillac sedan deville and i also met to say that i have check all the fuses and all of them are good
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Hey tom I have a problem with my fuel data system display when i had first got the car the display came up perfectly but when I had hooked up my subwoofers the next day i realized that the digital display had went out also my didgital display for my climate control went out also.I went to the junk yard and replaced them but they still dont cut on.Wjat do you think it is?Thanks Tom
Answer -
AnswerYou will need to contact me at:
[email protected]
In order for me to provide you with pictures, Instructions and electrical schematics (pictures).
PLEASE include your original question(s) and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.
PLEASE tell me if you do your own repairs and or your skill level of auto repair. This is VERY VERY important if I am to be able to help you repair your own vehicle.
NOTICE: If you have a digital camera and someway of sending pictures of your displays please do so.