Cadillac Repair: What do these codes mean?1992 Eldorado, neutral safety switch, sway bars

Hi.I recently purchased a 1992 Eldorado. I was stupid and didin't have it checked by a mechanic first, and now I am stuck with a beautiful,but unsafe caddy. I took it to Firestone and they told me it would cost+$2000 to fix it. They said I need a harmonic balancer,front bushings and sway bars etc. The car was in an accident before, and the front end was rebuilt by a Cadillac repairshop. I feel like I am being dicked around and taken advantage of because I'm a girl. Can you please tell me what there DTC's mean, and if they correlate at all to the above repairs? Thanks so much.
E052 History
E091 Current
I022 Current
I033 History
I043 History
I037 History
I052 History
A047 Current
No SIR Codes
This is the order they appreared in and exactly how they appeared.

E052 History = loss of battery power from PCM computer.
E091 Current = park/neutral safety switch circuit problem.
I022 Current = panel lamp dimming pot circuit problem.
I033 History = loss of SIR data.
I043 History = No such code.
I037 History = loss of ACP data communication.
I052 History = IPC loss of memory.
A047 Current = low freon in A/C system.

The ONLY ones you need to be concerned about is the CURRENT codes.

You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to provide you with pictures and   electrical schematic to find and fix your problem since this board does not allow sending pictures.

PLEASE include your original question(s) and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.

PLEASE tell me if you do your own repairs and or your skill level of auto repair. This is VERY VERY important if I am to be able to help you repair your own vehicle.
