Cadillac Repair: codes 30, 48, 91 on 1992 Cadillac Deville, cadillac deville, skill level

I have coded out my car and it is showing E 30, 48, and 91 and EE 48
Could you tell me what these are and where the things are located.

The only one you need to be concerned about is the EE48 which is an EGR fault.

You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to provide you with pictures and and electrical schematic to find and fix your problem since this board does not allow sending pictures.

PLEASE include your original question(s) and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.

PLEASE tell me if you do your own repairs and or your skill level of auto repair. This is VERY VERY important if I am to be able to help you repair your own vehicle or have to take it into the shop for repairs.
