QuestionO.K. I have installed the turn signal switch. No more smoke from the steering column. I installed a good (tested) alternator. Battery seems to be holding up. Voltage/charging voltage is good. The remaining two problems are still there. The trunk lid closer doesn't want to close, and the digital speedometer cluster won't come on.
Followup To
Question -
I recently bought a 1992 Cadillac Deville 4.9 liter. The previous owner had let it sit for a year because the battery kept running down. This car was in excellent condition so I had no problem giving them $75.00 and hauling it off for them. I almost feel guilty. When I got it home I put the battery charger on it and let it sit a couple of hours. It fired right up and runs great. I know for a fact that the alternator is bad, I took it out and had it tested.
Here are the problems I am having. 1). Small wisps of smoke coming from gap between the steering wheel and column. (I disassembled everything and I believe the turn signal switch is the problem) 2). Electronic speedometer won't come on. It flickered on briefly then turned right back off. 3). Trunk lid closer doesn't close.
Could all of these problems be the result of the faulty alternator? Could they all be tied together somehow or are they seperate problems? Any advice would be appreciated. TIA
Answer -
They are all seperate problems.
Fix the wire in the column first then see what comes back./
AnswerYou will need to contact me at:
[email protected]
In order for me to provide you with pictures and and electrical schematic to find and fix your problem since this board does not allow sending pictures.
PLEASE include your original question(s) and the MAKE-MODEL-YEAR and ENGINE SIZE of your vehicle when you contact me.