Cadillac Repair: 94 Cadillac 32 Valve Northstar v8 No Crank, starter solenoid, northstar v8

Car shut off while driving down the road which I'm told has happened in the past but always restarted, however this time engine failed to crank.  Diagnosed as a bad starter after determining battery cables delivering full power to the starter motor and when key is in crank position, I have 12 volts to the starter solenoid.  Replaced starter with remanufactered Western Auto starter.  I still have power to both posts of starter but still no crank.  I checked the block ground and that is fine.

My question is, if there is power to the starter, is there any other reason why the vehicle will not crank? (ie anti-theft)

Also, if I were to jump the terminals on the starter, will it be okay to crank for a short while with the intake off?

The large post should have your battery cable and a couple of smaller wires attached to it also.

The "S" terminal on the starter solenoid should have battery voltage when the ignition key is held in the STSRT position.

You can jumper tha large battery post to the "S" terminal on the starter solenoid and the starter should engage. If it does NOT engage by jumpering these together you have a faulty starter.