Cadillac Repair: traction control check engine light, cadillac catera, abs light
Questionhi , i was wondering if you could answer a question i have about my 2000 cadillac catera . the question is how do i get the traction control working again after a break job an the check engine light off aswell. i was told the check engine light is on due to the tc light being on. the abs light was on to aswell as the speedometer not workin an i had to purchase a 1,500 abs unit which turned the light off an allowed the speedometer to work again.but all 3 of the lights came on at once one day when i scraped or bumped a curb quite hard with my front right tire i believe. ive talk to people about this an they say the lights had no relation to me bumping the curve . can you help me plz?
AnswerHi Michael, With those kind of lights turning on there are codes thst need to be read and the problem corrected before the light will remain off. So you really need to take your car somewhere that can be done because there could be at least 50 codes or reasons for the light to remain on and may have nothing to do with your hitting the curb. With the check engine light comming on if you take the car to AutoZone they can scan the codes for free in hopes you will buy their parts. However their scan tool might not be able to read the brake or traction control codes and you would need to go to your mechanic and have them scanned to figure out what is wrong and what needs to be fixed. One thing you could do is look under the car or remove the tire on the side you hit the curb and see if there is a wire or sensor that was damaged and then replaceing it might turn off a light or 2.
Sometimes disconnecting the battery for a minuit while turning the headlamps on will erase the memory of some computors BUT in the case of the '97-'99 Catera you have to reprogram the sunroof, windows and climate control before they will work propperly. I'm not sure if that is the case with yours or not so maybe it would be a good idea to just have the codes scanned and cleared by your mechanic instead of disconnecting the battery. Let me know if I can be anymore help. Bill