Cadillac Repair: Is the BCM the entire ECC..., cadillac sedan deville, body control module

Is the BCM the entire ECC and FDC box behind my steering wheel or something that has to do with the wires? (hope that's not a stupid question)

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Question -

I own a 1989 cadillac sedan deville. On my instrument panel cluster, on both sides where it tells me how much gas I have used as well as where my air conditioning display is, has completely dissapeared with the exception of the letter "d." In turn, this has made the fans by my radiator stop spinning and my engine has overheated twice because of it. Is there any way you could tell me how to fix this?

Answer -
The BODY CONTROL MODULE (BCM) died. Replace it. If you need pictures with instructions contcat me at:

[email protected]

The BCM has many other electronic devices that it controls and many sensors that feed it information in order to control the controls.

In other words the BCM takes IN information and puts OUT information from different components.

There is no STUPID questions. The only ones that are stupid are the ones you don't ask.