Question-by the ignition switch i can pull it up and down,the switch stayed in on posistion ,wouldnt turn off i finally killed it ,but before i bought car a locksmith installed a switch but when i took it out i noticed a white wire was cut into looked like it went to hook up battery and car starts ,like ignition is engaged, now i cant start it cause it reads out starter diabled due to anti theft ,it tells me to remove switch but it is already removed so i need help in what to do.------------------------
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1989 seville, and how hard is it to get rod out,and how it might come out, and when i put new ignition switch in ,are there wires to hookup to switch 4 anti theft or any other.-------------------------
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1989 sevilleand how it comes out-----------------------
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can i interchange steering coloums ,and still be ok with anti theft, or does it have to be same make and model of caddy to work right.i dont want to tear coloum apart to replace rod 4 ignition so i thought i would switch coloums, but only if things match rightup. thank u
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What YEAR-MAKE-MODEL of Cadillac.
The rod is alot easier to install than to replace the column. Have done many of these over 25 + years.
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I do not understand your answer being:
1989 sevilleand how it comes out-----------------------
Please explain.
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Is the rod loose at the top by the ignition key or is it loose at the bottom at the ignition electrical switch ?.
Why do you have to replace the ignition key lock ?.
Did the column get damaged or what ?.
AnswerWe are going to have to get our terminology correct. which switch are you referring to every time you say SWITCH.
There is the mechanical switch where the key goes into and the electrical switch that mounts way down on the column where all the wires are.
Are you sure the wire color is WHITE that was cut ?. I looked thru the complete electrical schematic and cannot find a white wire.