Cadillac Repair: 1992 Cadillac Sedan Deville Heater Problem, plastic gears, cadillac sedan deville
QuestionEven when the electronic temperature setting is set at 90 degress, warm air, not hot, comes out of the passenger side front window defroster vent only and cold air out of the bottom of the heater itself. I have removed the lower dash panel and observed the full movement transition of the heater mechanical arm when the temperature setting goes from 90 degrees to 60 degrees or vise versa. Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks.
AnswerWhere the metal arm clips into the plastic clip make a mark on the metal arm so you know where to re-install it when you remove it.
1. Make your mark and unsnap the metal arm from the plastic clip.
2. Set the heater controls to full heat 90 degrees when the engine is at normal operating temp.
3. Manually move the metal arm inward or outward to see if you now get full heat.
4. If you get full heat and out the appropriate vents then your plastic gears in the PROGRAMMER motor are stripped and this requires replacement of the programmer.
Be CAREFUL when installing the NEW programmer as the ark must be adjusted exactly to coinside with the mark on the metal arm with the plastic clip.