Cadillac Repair: 89 cadillac dash, electrical schematics, autohelp
Questioni have a 1989 dville the fuel and climate control pannel has a d on both of them it flickers and some times the service air conditor.some times it is blank pannels some times they light up with every thing lit and can not be set thank you and hope you can help
AnswerWhen a "d" illuminates on the display this is telling you that either the PROM inside of the BCM is loose and or the BCM is faulty.
If you have changed the BCM in the vehicle this is where your problem is.
If you have NOT changed the BCM or the PROM inside of the BCM either one can be faulty.
Due to the need for electrical schematics and diagnostic trees of which are not allowed to be uploaded onto allexperts, It will be necessary for you to contact me directly at
[email protected]