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Question -
The turn signal chimes when u put it on and i was wondering how i can disable the chime? thx
Answer -
I do NOT mean to be RUDE or DISRESPECTFUL.
BUT. The the chime is SUPPOSED to come on when your turn ON the turn signal and NO I cannot tell you how to disconnect it or if you forget to turn it OFF the guy behind you will want most likely be getting very upset waiting to see WHEN you are going to make your turn because the turn signal is flashing and you don't know it's flashing because you disconnected the chime.
anyway to turn it down then if ur not gonna tell me.. it drives me nuts hearing it and no i will not forget about a flashing light on my dash.. why is it any concern to you what the guy behind me thinks?
AnswerI told you I did not want to offend you, But that guy behind you just might be me and it sure would irritate me watching this turn signal flash all the way up the highway being behind you.
Let's say that I tell you how to disconnect the chime and for some unknown reason the right turn signal does not turn off after you have made your right hand turn.
Unknowingly, You therefore proceed up the highway to the next intersection with the right turn signal still flashing as though you were going to make a right turn and someone pulls out in front of you thinking that you are going to turn when in fact you are not and you hit him.
Don't laugh, I had it happen twice back a few years ago and I do not want to get involved in any more of these types of situations. In BOTH cases the husband wanted it disconnected and it was the wife who got into the accident beacuse she told the insurance man or the police officer that she did not know that it was ON, because she never heard the chime because it was disconnected on information provided by me because the sound irritated you.
Now your insurance company is looking to sue ME.
I agree it sounds crazy, But you were not the one that the insurance company tried to SUE, I was.
People are just SUE happy anymore for anything they can think of, and we being professional automotive technicians have to be extremly careful about giving out this kind of information that deviates from what the manufacturer installs as safety features in their vehicles.
If you can't see my side of the coin, There is not much I can do about it. Sorry.