Cadillac Repair: relay problem, fuse block, realys

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Question -
Yeah i have a 1989 cadi deville...i currently ran into a problem that is stupmping me...the realys underneath the pasenger side dash....the power acessory relays are doing something weird...the realy thats controlling the windows is making a clicking noise when i car is off and turning on and off my radio and the antenna is going up and down and i recently purchased new realys so i elimanated that souloution..why could this be doing this?
Answer -
OK, The most common problem that is at fault when you have multiple problems in the same area is that there is a LOOSE or disconnected BLACK GROUND wire at fault.

What mechanical work or ANY KIND of electrical work or addition or replacement of radios, etc, etc, has been performed on the vehicle recently ?. As most problems that occur after a recent repair was made can be traced back to the area of where the repair was made as a wire connection came loose and or in ost cases a GROUND wire is loose.

Look around in the area where work was performed.

Also, Let me know EVERY component that is NOT working properly.

autohelp          yes i thank you for your reply so fast and i was thinking the same thing....i added a radio into the car about a month ago and what i did was unhooked it compleatly and then tried again with no raidio in the car and it still continued the problem....the relay is controlling the windows from what i can tell thats all its when i turn the car off and the relay is making its noises i push on the power window button and the window is getting energy everytime it flickers on and off and the key is not even in..could it be that behind the fuse block on the passenger side...somehow the wires were heating up and begain melting the plastic on the fuse block?...but yes otherwise i havent had to do any mechanical work on the car now for some time...i changed a mount a trans mount the right front one...thats about it...well i thank you for the help

OK, So now the ONLY problem you have is a clicking noise at the window controller ?. There is NO RELAY for the power windows, Only a circuit breaker IN the fuse panel that can make a clicking ON and OFF sound.

If you had wires melting behind the fuse box you would smell them burning. What makes you think that this could be your problem ?.

I can provide you with  the necessary information IF you are able to read electrical scahematics and perform some simple electrical test procedures.

Howver, You will need to contact me at:

[email protected]

In order for me to send you some electrical schematics and pictures related to your problem, as this website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need as this website does not allow pictures to be sent..

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.

Is this vehicle a SEDAN or a COUPE ?.
