Cadillac Repair: Cadillac Repair, cadillac repair, rear wheel drive

Hello Sir,
I have a 1984 4.8 liter Deville.  Recently tuned with 126,000 miles.  I have had issues with rough engine performance on acceleration and just when driving normally. The check engine light is coming on and off.  I performed code diags through the climate control center and the first display I got was a PO 41 History.  Is that an error code?  Can I find a TPS problem with the diagnostics?  Thank You in advance!

Front wheel drive or rear wheel drive ?.

If you want to contact me at:

[email protected]

I can most likely e-mail you the diagnostic and test procedures on how to operate the onboard computer system to test the TPS circuit as well as all of the other sensors as this website is NOT mine and I am only a VOLUNTEER helping answer BASIC simple questions to those in need and this website does not allow pictures to be sent..

Please include all of the information, MAKE, YEAR, MODEL, and all necessary other information that you previously provided as well as the information that I just gave you when you contact me.
