QuestionI have a 2000 buick century.
the gas guage operates eradically from full to empty. you can drive down the road and it go from one extreme to the other. it has had a few instances where it quit, like it was out of gas, and shut it off, and wait and it will restart and run fine.
AnswerGM has been known for LOUSY operating gas gages. There are several possibilities.
However since your vehicles engine STOPPED running IF I read your question correctly this would indicate one of the following problems:
1. There is a problem with the electrical plug connection at the fuel tank.
2. There is a problem with the electrical wiring inside of the fuel tank at the pump and at the fuel gage sending unit.
3. also inside the fuel tank there is a square plastic bin approx one foot square that the fuel pump and fuel meter sending unit sit inside of and these bins have a tendency to come loose from the inside of the fuel tank and cause problems as you describe.
What needs to be done is to check the external wiring first and if OK, Then the fuel tank needs to be removed from the vehicle and the fuel pump and sending unit assembly removed from the fuel tank and the bin inside needs to be inspected for being loose from the fuel tank.
This is NOT a job for a NOVICE as you can be seriously injured and or KILLED if you make an OOOPPPSSS !!! during the fuel tank removal and a massive fire and explosion can ond DOES occur if you do NOT follow the safety procedures.
I HIGHLY recommend that whatever you find wrong, That you REPLACE the electric fuel pump in the fuel tank as they are well known for failing after a few years of operation.