Cadillac Repair: window off track, cadillac eldorado, track assembly

i have a 89' cadillac eldorado, it's the two door style. my driver side door window has come off track  and every time i roll my window down the front rolls  down but not the back unless i push the window back and on track. can you tell me how to take my door apart so that i will be able to put my window back on track. pictures off screw locations would help the most and what i might need to do or have to keep the window on track.

Yes, I can scan and e-mail you pictures of the door panel bolts and the window track assembly for your eldo.

You will have to contact me at:

[email protected]

as this website is NOT mine and it does NOT allow sending or receiving pictures.

If you can e-mail me a picture of your inside door panel I can mark the pictures of where the screws are and e-mail it back to you also.
