Cadillac Repair: 1990 fleetwood brougham heater issue, fleetwood brougham, wire connector
Question1990 fleetwood brougham rwd 350 engine
what would cause the blower to continue running even after the engine is turned off?
all other actions on the climate controll seem to work fine: defrost, temp setting, blower speed.
AnswerHi Steve, What usually happens is the blower motor uses too many amps to turn and that shorts out the power module. So you would need to replace them both or the old motor will damage the replacement module very quickly. The control head might be shorted out internally or you could have a wireing problem also. The best thing to do is take it to your mechanic and have it diagnosed and then eithor have them replace the parts or since they aren't very hard to replace do it yourself if you are mechanically inclined. In the meen time just unhook the wire connector from the motor or module located underr hood on the passenger side when you park the car and then hook it back up again for driving. Hope that explains things. Bill