Cadillac Repair: low power, throttle position sensor, fuel pressure regulator
Questionmy 94 eldo,has low power on excelleration,slight
backfire.if i let off pedal will shift,but still
slow response.i had it ck'd for tranny problems
told it was an engine codes at this time,there was a broken vacum line but repaired.
also there is a smell of fuel when first start up.also the acceleration pedal will move and at the throttle body you can see the pin moving and it clicks.
AnswerHi Joe, You may have several problems going on here but the thing that concerns me is the fuel smell. If you do have a leak and somehow get a spark then you might not have to worry about the cold for awhile. I would highly advise towing it to a repair shop and have it checked out. That said if you can find out where the leak is you may fix the power problem. Your engine needs at least 30 psi fuel pressure to run and I would look at the fuel pressure regulator as having a diaphram leak and fuel is being sucked into the engine through the vacuum hose. To test that theory remove the hose with the engine off and if fuel comes out then get the regulator replaced. Turn the key to light up the dash but don't start the engine and see if fuel comes out. Turn the key off 5 sec and then on again a second time. If the fuel filter hasn't been replaced in 2 years that would be a good thing to do. The fact that the accelerator pedal moves and pin clicks means that there is something out of adjustment like a throttle position sensor, idle speed motor or the battery was disconnected/lost power and the computor needs to get relearned. There are several things to look at and if nothing looks obvious then getting it to the shop would be the safest thing to do. Then it can be diagnosed and you can determine if you want to do the repairs or let the shop. Hope that helps. Happy New Year. Bill