Cadillac Repair: 1994 Seville SLS Overheating, seville sls, internal leaks
QuestionI recently bought a 94' Caddy Seville SLS. It ran fine on the test drive and made day to day trips without a problem. A week after my purchase it gave me an engine hot warning so I pulled over. When I got out I noticed that there was coolant on the ground where I had stopped the car. I took it to a mechanic who did a full diag and told me they could find nothing wrong. Next day the same problem occured. Mechanic checked it again and once more said there was not problem. The car runs at an avg of 208 degrees and shows no other problems whatsoever. I was told many things that could be the problem including a clogged radiator, broken t-stat/sensor, or a problem with the head gasket. I figured I'd get an opinion before I shell out money to a mechanic. Thanks much.
AnswerHi Kyle, 208 isn't really too high but the fact that there is coolant on the ground is cause for concern. If you can get it to leak too bad that the mechanic shop couldn't run the engine for say 2 hours outside and then take it for a short test drive and also get it to leak. Some things to test are to make sure that all the temp sensors are with-in 2 degrees of each other and the fan and coolant temp senders for the computor are acccurate. Then make sure both cooling fans turn on when they should. Pressure test the cooling system hot and cold. Leaks might show up hot but not cold or visa versa. Water pumps leak below the pulley area and if the seal tabs were not used after flushing out the old coolant then internal leaks can occur. I would say to take your car to a shop that displays the ASE blue gear symbol or go to and search for a shop it your area. Those techs and shops that are listed there are supposed to be top level and will give a straight answer to why your caddy is loosing coolant. All your suggestions are viable but it takes a good tech to determine the cause of a sneaky problem such as yours. Bill