Cadillac Repair: water pump, nuts and bolts, head bolts

How do you change the water pump in  1988 Cadillac Sedan Deville?

Hi Brian, It is pretty straight forward if you have a manual. There are 2 things to watch out for. 1) if the torx head bolts don't want to come loose heat the head up carefully with a torch so the threads loosen up and 2) modify the length of the torx bit in the socket. In other words go to sears and buy a set that has removable bits and take a hacksaw and cut the bit so only about 1/4" of the bit sticks out. Then you can get the socket and ratchet in between the framerail and the bolt. The size is eithor T40 or T45. So drain coolant, remove battery cable, loosen wp pulley bolts, remove belt, to gain access to wp remove alternator and bracket, remove idler pulley w/ bracket, pry engine forward with a long bar on the  harmonic balancer bolt to remove the wp pulley if required, remove washer bottle/coolant bottle for better access if needed, loosen a/c accumulator 10mm bolt and pull accum. out of bracket and hold out of way with wire if needed, heat up bolts as needed to remove, then take off water pump and scrape gasket. reverse procedure to install. BE VERY CAREFUL when tightening the small nuts and bolts to 5 ftlbs because if overtightened you might have to change the timing cover. Hope that helps. Bill