Cadillac Repair: 1986 Fleetwood/Deville 4.1 litre, digital instrumentation, fan blower

While driving, noticed the turn sig's slowing down. Car sat 2 hours and started. Stopped then for gas. Wouldn't start. Jump got me about .5 mile.
Repeated jumps would start the engine, but after 30 seconds, stopped again. Assumed battery. Was 4 years old. New battery installed. Started fine, ran fine,but no digital instruments at all. No nothing shining from the dash or info centers. Assumed alternator which did test "in & out" from 1 volt to 15 then to 10 then 15 again. Installed new one on recommendation. Still starts and runs now, but idle quite high in park, and still no digital instruments come on, also no fan blower or digital readouts...what thhh...?
All fuses checked, all ok. Relays not where indicated in manual, can't find...what next?

Cool site..I love my Caddy and is clean as new.

Hey, thanks...Joe

The idle speed will return to it's normal position once you drive the vehicle for 10 miles in the city and on the highway so the computer can RE-LEARN the engine settings.

As far as the digital instrumentation, Did it work PRIOR to this problem ?.

What have you done to try and fix this problem and what reapirs other than a new battery and alternator was installed and or worked on ?.
