Cadillac Repair: 82 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, cadillac coupe deville, digital voltmeter
QuestionCar shut down put new fuel pump and filter still will not turn on. No gas getting to carbuerator.
AnswerHi B, The 1982 shop manual is kind of vague in the fuel pump area and I don't have any experriance with the V6 engine so this is my best shot. The book shows an electric pump mounted at the front of the engine. Make sure it has battery voltage to it by disconnecting the connector and checking for battery voltage useing a digital voltmeter. A fuse or relay might be bad or the ground terminal corroded. Then make some jumperwires and see if the pump will work by jumpering the fuel pump side of the connector or terminals to the battery. Maybe you got a bad pump. If it runs but still no pressure then your problem might be the filter inside the gas tank. They are known to collaps shut or collect enough debris so nothing gets into the line. With the gas tank removed you might want to use a blowgun and put air through the lines to check for restrictions. Make sure that the carb filter is installed with the hole facing the fuel line. In an extreme case the needle and seat inside the carb might be stuck closed and running the fuel pump with the open end of the fuel line going into a container would check that. Hope that helps. Bill