Cadillac Repair: Check engine light, jumper wire, aldl connector
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Bill, I have a 1989 RWD Brougham Cadillac. Lately after it has warmed up driving at normal level highway speeds, it feels like the torque drops out and the check engine light comes on immediatly,then after a mile or so you feel it shift back and the light goes out a couple of seconds later. It is a rebuilt with about 30,000 miles on it. Any help would be appreciated. thanks Keith
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Hi Keith, The first place to start is with the trouble codes. Find out why the light turned on and that could lead to the solution. Bill
Bill will this error code be stored or will the analyzer have to be hooked up when the check engine light comes on? This is a RWD and it does not have the same ECM as my Eldo, where I can view the error codes. Thanks Keith
AnswerHi Keith, There is a 12 pin connector under the dash below the steering column called the ALDL connector. A scan tool plugs into it and then the code(s) can be read. It takes around 40 drive cycles to clear the code once the problem has been fixed so with-in a couple of days there still should be codes stored. There is a way to retrieve codes useing a jumper wire but to do that method I would suggest getting a manual and it will walk you through the steps and has pictures so you don't short something out. Hope that helps. Bill