Cadillac Repair: 96 STS Fan motor intermittent, electronic motor, incorperated

My STS A/C-Heater fan motor does one of 3 things-
1) doesn't start, or
2) starts, runs for 30 sec or so, stops for a while and comes on again, or
3) starts, runs for 30 sec or so, stops indefinitely.
Thee are no trouble codes.
It seems to be temperature related (worse when hot). If the fan stays off, I can sometimes get it back on by pressing "OFF", wait a few seconds an then back to "AUTO".
I suspect the electronic motor control built into the fan motor - would you agree? - any other possibilities?

Hi Ken, I would have to agree that it sure sounds like the fan is on its way out. That is how a module reacts and there is a module incorperated inside the fan housing. If you haven't ever replaced it then doing so should take care of the problem. Bill