Cadillac Repair: bottom of the car, engine oil pan, auto recyclers
Question I was driving the road when i seen a dead aniaml
so me being the crazy guy I am I deicde to ride over it but not tring to touch it so I ran over in the middle of the car, and before I could swiver i seen it was a turnt over man hole. i new something was wrong so I parked and sure of enough oil started flowing out the bottom of the car what should i do I dont have much money bu I need my baby ?
MR shouldnt have
AnswerHi sultan Berry, If you didn't drive the car anymore then damge might be minamal. Once towed to your driveway look undernieth and see what damage was done. Most likely the engine oil pan was damaged. Then call junkyards or auto recyclers where they sell used parts and tell them the year, model and engine size and see how much a used part is. Then get a shop manual and follow the directions for replaceing it. If you don't have the tools for this then you will need to have it towed to a shop. If there aren't any parts available in your area then try and that site should be able to help. Hope that gets you going. Bill