Cadillac Repair: 1994 eldorado water pump, coolant tank, chilton labor guide


-the engine is LD8 4.6LV8 ---------thanks again
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hi. i recently had my engine light flash "engine overheating" and "coolant low". this is a 1994 caddy eldorado.i pulled over and added water to the coolant tank (a gallon) then took it to a shop. the shop told me it needed a new water pump and because it overheated also a thermostat. ive been suspicious of this shop before. they quoted me $121 for the pump+ $91 for labor, $13 for the thermostat+ $56 for labor, totaling $280. does this sound fair? does it sound ilke tis repair is necessary? thanks for your help.
Answer -
Hi Chris, To answer your question I would need to know what engine size you have. Bill

the engine is LD8 4.6LV8---------thanks again

Hi Chris, Putting on a new thermostat and gasket and replacing a leaking water pump sounds like a good diagnosis to me. The other thing that you need to know is are the cooling fans turning on when they should. If they are then the prices you are being charged seem ok. The chilton labor guide give a generic pump price of $90 plus 1.7 hrs labor which looks like your shop charges $60 hr so a minumum price might be $192. T-stat generic price is $18 plus .9 hrs labor = $72. So $264 as a minumum and vs $280 the shop is charging. The quality of the part and the shop labor price per hour will determine the final price so I would say they are giving a fair price for this repair. Bill