Cadillac Repair: car starts in 2sd gear and when your stop, automatic transmission, caddy
Questionand start to go it slips then goes but not all of the time please help wife just got car its a 1992 caddy deville 4.9
AnswerHi Rob, I hate to say it but sounds like the previous owner sold the car because of the need for a trans rebuild. A valve in the valvebody could be sticking or something else wrong internally with it. The first thing to do is check the fluid level and condition. If it is low then adding might help. If the fluid is brownish or has a burnt smell then there might not be much that can be done. You could try changeing the fluid and filter and adding a can of automatic transmission conditioner but that may not help eithor. I don't suppose that you have any recourse such as returning the car where you bought it and get a refund or they offer to help pay for the trans replacement. What we do where I work is install a used trans. It saves the price over a new one but then there isn't anyway of knowing how long it will last. Sorry I can't offer a cheaper solution. Bill