Cadillac Repair: powersteering pump removel, cadillac fleetwood, nut and bolt

how does the pump seperate from the pully on a 1984 cadillac fleetwood 250 ci.v8 4100 series.

Hi Mike, There is a special puller that locks into the groove on the end of the pulley and then by turning a screw/bolt it pulls the pulley off the shaft. You might be able to get it as a loaner tool from a parts store for free such as Auto Zone or you will need to buy it in order to remove it yourself. To put the pulley back on the new pump comes with a basic installer nut and bolt or the store might have the pro tool to rent also. If you are going to reuse the same pump thread a 3/8" by 16tpi tap into the hole at the front of the pump shaft to clean out the threads while holding the pulley otherwise trying to install the pulley might be difficult. Hope that helps. Bill