Cadillac Repair: what does wheel bearing noise sound like, wheel bearing noise, wheel bearings

Tell me all about wheel bearings  92 cad el dorado

Hi Robert, The wheel bearings on your Eldo are called hub and bearing assemblies. They are lubricated for life which means there isn't any way to grease them and when they start to make enough noise then they get replaced. Generally the noise is a growl/wow wow type noise that changes pitch with vehicle speed. It seems to be loudest between 30-35mph and is quieter before and after that speed. Abruptly turning the steering wheel side to side so the car moves from left to right in the lane  will put more weight to one side than the other and help isolate where the noise is comming from. You would want to do this in an isolated area so someone doesn't think you are drunk and call the cops or cause an accedent if you get too close to something while doing this manuver. Hope that helps. Bill