Cadillac Repair: ride control, service writer, computor

  You were most helpful with your response in regard to Caddy ride control light.  One further question:  Since I don't see that the quality of the ride has been affected, can I disconnect the existing ride control structs from the computer, thereby getting the "service ride control" light to go out?  Thanks again!!!Jack

Hi John, The way I remember the bulletin was the computor needs to be disconnected/unplugged and then the bulb can be removed or a wire needs to be jumpered so the ride control light doesn't turn on. If you just unplug the struts or the computor the light might still turn on. I can't seem to find the info to do this so if you went to the Caddy dealer and talked to the service writer he/she could make a copy of the buletin or further explain the repair procedure. Sorry I can't be more help. Bill