Cadillac Repair: heater, vacuum actuators, floor outlets
Question 1993 Seville with climate control.
When the heater is on the floor outlets (ECC set to 90 dehgrees)the passenger side blows hot air while the drivers side blows cool air.The car is not equiped with indivual heat controls I have checked the vacuum actuators,they are all working. The air mix door and motor are also functioning properly. I'm at a loss can you help?
AnswerHi Lydell, Did this condition just start to show up or has it always been this way? There is a service bulletin #431105 that changes the floor air outlet assembly to better distribute the air. The new part has vanes in the outlets while the old one doesn't. Another buletin #63-11-04 adds a dust for better air flow. You might want to check with the dealer if you are unsure if these updates have been done. Bill