Cadillac Repair: power steering unit, resivior, cadillac deville
Questionwhen I turn the steering wheel in my 1995 cadillac deville I can hear what appears to me to be a whinning type of sound. Turning is not difficult and there are no error codes but I want to know is this a sign that my power steering unit may need to be replaced soon?
AnswerHi H Murray, Check the fluid level in the resivior first with the engine stopped. It could just be low. Otherwise parts stores might have a conditioner that you could suck out most of the fluid from the resivior with a turkey basester and then pour in the conditioner. If after running the engine for awhile the noise doesn't go away then you will need to deside how long you want to listen to the whineing noise before replaceing the pump. Hope that helps. Bill