Cadillac Repair: starter problems, neutral safety switch, starter problems

hi there,
I have an 86 devile. Tried to start the car and it wouldn't turn over. No clicks from starter or anything.Check battery it's fully charged. Had starter check out seemed bad I got a new one and put it in. Then try to start car same thing as before,I even check fusess nothing. Is there a relay or somthing that would cause this? The  new starter does not even engage. Could use some help with this one. thanks  

Hi Rod, You might have a bad neutral safty switch. Did you try starting the engine in neutral? Also put your foot on the brake and hold the key in the start position and move the gear lever slowly from park to OD and see what happens. You may need to adjust or replace the neutral safety switch on the trans. Also double check the ground battery cable near the starter for being clean and tight. Since you had the other ones off they should be good. There is a fuse link on the purple wire at the starter solinoid terminal small post. Check that it has voltage on it with the key in the start position. Hope that helps. Bill