Cadillac Repair: white smoke from exhaust, vacuum modulator, head gaskets

Hi Bill, I'd like to replace the vacuum modulator
before sending the car to shop for possible head gaskets. The problem is I can't seem to find it. I already purchased the part. I'm thrown off by the front wheel drive. I had the problem before in a different car and it was transmission fluid being sucked in. The oil shows no sign, however I know that it could still be the headgaskets. The symptoms before the smoke was jerking, and trying to keep moving while stopped. I have some limited knowledge of car repairs. Thanks, James (PS 94 Cad eldorado)

Hi James, If you have the 4.9 liter engine then open the hood and look down at the transmission and you should see the modulator about in the middle of the trans and aprox. 12" from the engine. Its a piece of cake to replace however when removing the modulator it is spring loaded and if you remove it too fast or it pops out then there it a valve and spring that will come out. If you slowly remove the modulator then everything should stay in the trans. Hope that helps. Bill