Cadillac Repair: horn, glovebox, glove box
QuestionA few days ago I wrote to you regarding my 1988 Cadillac Sedan Devillle. I couldn't find the horn.
Thanks for your help. However, I am at a loss to know where the hush panel is and what it looks like. Is the relay panel in the car behind the glove box or under the hood?
Your help would be appreciated. Thank you.
AnswerHi Jan, Sorry I confused you. I don't realize the level of abilities sometimes and get too technical. What you need to do is look under the dash on the passenger side and the black plastic panel that should be held there with 7mm bolt/screws is the hush panel. remove that and look up and you will see a relay panel that has the horn relay in it. Look on the hush panel and there should be a diagram as to the fuses and relays locations. I don't quite remember the year but sometimes it helps to remove the glovebox to get better access to the differant fuses and relays. Hope that clears things up. Bill