Cadillac Repair: stalling, octain, devill

I have a 2001 devill dhs with 48k miles. It has started a strang thing latly, after the engine warms to operating temp (about 10 min) it will stall once and then run fine. This happens nomatter if i'm at a stiplight or on the road driving. Sometimes it will start right back up with no problem, but other times, i have to wait about 45 min to an hour for it to cool.

Using a higher octain gas helps the severity of the stall, but not the stall itself. Also after the car stalls once, it doesn't do it again.  

Hi Robert, This is going to be a tough one to nail down. I don't have access to dealer bulletins anymore and this might be a case where the dealer might have the answer in bulletin form. Your car still should be under warrenty and if they are stumped then suggest that they call the Cadillac hotline. Be prepaired to leave your car for a day or two. Sorry I can't be more help. Bill