Chevrolet Repair: 95camaro cooling fans, coolant temp, relay test
QuestionBook says on relay test #1socet should be hot always on all 3 relays, on this one I'm only hot on 2. I lifted the box and the 2 that are hot have red wire to that socket 3rd has black wire, is this correct? My problem is that the fans don't come on. Fans are good, relays check out good. Next should be hot always on #1socket but it's not. Any ideas?
Answerhi jim, you say you tested the fans and they are ok,yes. what you are saying with the plug harness is correct. the other wire gets power from the ecm. so coolant temp sensor or a/c high pressure switch sends a signal to the ecm which the ecm signals or energizes the relay to turn on the other red wire to power up the fan circuit...make sure all the fuses are ok as well. i am pretty sure there is a fan fused circuit for this car as well. if you need more info get back to me...tom..