Chevrolet Repair: 1996 chevy half ton 4.3, markes, oil pump
Questioni changed the timing chain How do i no where to set the distributor
AnswerHi Nick... when you changed the chain the markes on the gears shoould be lined up. as long as you haven't moved the crank then they should still be lined up. generly you line up the dist rotor so it points at # 1 cyl or to #1 plug wire on the cap. the bottom of the dist is slotted so it can line up with the shaft that drives the oil pump, and the gears on the cam and dist are heilical so it will move as you drop it in place make sure dist sits down on the oil pump shaft when you install may have to move it to get dist all the way not force it if dist is in right place but wont go all the way down it is because slot on bottom of dist shaft not lined up with oil pump rod. you would need to use long screwdriver and move rod untill it lines up and dist drops in place.... hope this helps