Chevrolet Repair: 95 chevy camaro-security light flashing and car wont start, chevy camaro, security light
QuestionHi Robert,
I'll try to make this short as I can. I have a 95 chevy camaro with 230,000 miles on it. I have NEVER had a problem with it until Friday. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I ran out of gas on Friday. Got gas, ran fine, went out on Saturday. Then I tried to start it and security light flashed. Won't turn over. I know it has to do with the chevy auto theft thingy. But I tried the other key and that doesn't work either. Checked all the fuses, their fine. I'm 61, unemployed and need to do this myself. A chevy service dept guy on the phone said it probably is the module in the ignition and that it is about $500+.
You have very good reviews so I thought I would ask you. Hope you had a great vacation and look forward to hearing from you.
AnswerHi Pat... well i am not sure i am going to be much help...but here goes.. disconnect the battery. turn on the headlights to drain any excess power from the system. make sure the battery is fully charged, reconnect it, that should clear any security issue in the computer. if it doesn't clear then it is probably the security module gone bad.... if it is call around to a wrecking yard and see if you can get a used one. or you can try to find a shop that will by pass it for you...sorry i couldn't be of more help, security issues are not my big area of expertise...hope this helps