QuestionQUESTION: Robert,I have a 1984 Buick mint condition left to me by my late dad the problem is after being parked last week it will not start
it is getting gas and required volts to the Distributor cap but no volts to the plugs I replaced the Dist.cap rotor,coil,resistor brush,and the Capacitor and control Module car is getting fuel it just wont fire I don't have a hint to what made it do this would this be a timing chain problem it is not that old and not many miles on the chain I checked to see if the rotor turns while turning the engine over and it is there is just no spark going to the plugs and I am lost hope you might know of something I can try
ANSWER: Hi Billy....if memory serves me correct that has the coil in the cap....correct? if it does then check the wire going to the dist cap marked "BAT" check for power when key is on. if you have no power find the open in that circut and repair. if you do have power is it 12v if it is check the ign module in the dist. that is usually what goes down in those systems. the coil would be the next to check if ign module ok. try a different one if you are in doubt...check the timing chain by lining up harmonic balancer on the front of the crank to the mark on the timing cover for TDC and see where the dist rotor is should be pointing at the spot where #1 plug wire would be if it is off your chain could have jumped.... hope this helps
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Robert I checked the timing today and it was on is there anything else
I can check I am lost on this
AnswerHi Billy... did you check for power at the Battery connection on the dist it 12 v... if not you need to find the open in that circut... if you have 12 v there and you changed everything cap,rotor,ign module,coil, reluctor,pick up, and you have fuel it should run...if not try another dist (known good one from wrecking yard). these are very simple one wire ign systems, if you have 12v at the batt term on the cap and everything else is new it should go...check that when you put new coil in cap that the wires are in the right order when you put them back in the cap and that they are making connection, and that you put the ground wire on from coil to the cap.... hope this helps...